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Václav Radimský (1867–1946) On the River Epte

oil on canvas
kolem 1900
bottom right
94 × 136 cm

Starting price1,900,000 CZK Final price4,200,000 CZK
85th Auction, lot 32 This highly cultivated and representative painting by Václav Radimský, who interconnects French plein air Impressionism with the Czech artistic reception of this phenomenon around 1900, represents in all respects a characteristic example of the author’s style, technique, and choice of subject matters in the early 20th century. Radimský has several times chosen a landscape near Giverny, through which flows the picturesque River Epte into the River Seine, just near this town. The presented work is the largest of the hitherto known author’s variants of this particular landscape stretch, with the meandering riverbed, bushy willows flanking the bank, reflecting water surface, and signs of human activity in the form of fish pot remnants placed or stuck along the edge of the stream. Radimský managed to capture exceptionally precisely the specific mood of the nature and the upbeat autumn colourfulness presented by the interplay of brown and green with glittering silver shades – all with the excellence of a talented master working with vibrant energy and sweeping brushstrokes.The painting, enhanced by elegant framing, perfectly represents the artist’s work from his most sought-after period from a collectors’ point of view. Moreover, the above mentioned variants of this painting can be found in his last monograph (Blažíčková-Horová, N.: Václav Radimský, 1867–1946, Řevnice, 2011, cat. no. 199 and 209). Assessed during consultations by prof. J. Zemina and Mgr. M. Dospěl, Ph.D. The expertise by Mgr. P. Kubík is attached.
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